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Author name code: deboer
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
=author:"De Boer, C.R." 

Title: The hot prominence periphery in EUV lines
Authors: de Boer, C. R.; Stellmacher, G.; Wiehr, E.
1998A&A...334..280D    Altcode:
  Two sets of He I and metallic lines were observed with the EUV
  spectrograph SUMER in a quiescent prominence. H, He, and Ca II
  lines were observed simultaneously with both German telescopes on
  Tenerife. The visible lines from elements with different atomic
  weights yield thermal and non-thermal broadening parameters of 7500
  &lt;= T<SUB>kin</SUB> &lt;= 8000 K and 2.5 &lt;xi &lt;5.0 km/s for the
  cool prominence body. The EUV lines, however, show line widths which
  correspond to much higher temperatures and non-thermal velocities. If
  the calculated formation temperature for every individual ion is
  assumed, the observed line widths require non-thermal velocities of 14 -
  25 km/s. The narrowest reduced widths of the EUV He I 584 and He I 537
  lines are 3.1 and 2.9 times broader than those of the visible He D_3
  and He 3888 lines. If this is due to optical depth effects in the EUV
  lines, one obtains tau_0 (584) ~ 8*10(3) and tau_0 (537) ~ 2*10(3)
  , respectively. The emission ratios of the Ca II-to-Balmer lines
  vary little inside the prominence, indicating a largely constant gas
  pressure. The ratios of the visual He-to-Balmer lines as well as those
  of the EUV He-to-metallic lines show a significant branching between
  peripheral and central prominence regions. The total emissions in the
  main prominence body amount to 13, 0.3, and 4 [Watt/ (m(2*) ster)]
  for the 584, 537, and D_3 lines, respectively. The observed emission
  ratio E(He 584)/E(He 537)= 45 agrees with model calculations whereas
  their total emissions are about 37 times higher than calculated. The
  observed ratio E(He D_3)/ E(He 584)~0.3 is about 15 times smaller
  than model predictions. The observations indicate that the emissions
  of different ions originate from individual (isothermal) threads with
  different temperatures between 10(4) and 10(5) K.

Title: Prominence Emissions with SUMER and Optical Telescopes
Authors: Wiehr, E.; Stellmacher, G.; de Boer, C. R.; Sütterlin, P.
1998ASPC..155..331W    Altcode: 1998sasp.conf..331W
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Prominence Emission Lines Observed with SUMER and Two
    Ground-Based Telescopes
Authors: de Boer, C. R.; Stellmacher, G.; Wiehr, E.
1998ASPC..150..196D    Altcode: 1998npsp.conf..196D; 1998IAUCo.167..196D
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Dynamics of Solar Fine Structure: Observation with High
    Spatial Resolution
Authors: Al, N.; Bendlin, C.; de Boer, C. R.; Denker, C.; Kneer, F.;
   Schmitt, D.; Volkmer, R.; Wilken, V.
1998ASPC..154..553A    Altcode: 1998csss...10..553A
  The Sun is an ideal object for studying non-magnetic and magnetic
  processes in cool stars. Here, we focus on fine structures of a
  few 100 km in the solar atmosphere. Granular overshoot, motions
  and waves of magnetic elements in the quiet Sun and in plages,
  etc., all affect the atmospheric structure from the bottom of the
  photosphere up to the corona and the solar wind. Observations with
  high spatial resolution are required to reveal the dynamic behaviour
  and to understand the underlying physical processes. During the past
  five years, speckle methods have become an excellent tool to obtain
  images of solar fine structure with diffraction-limited resolution. We
  demonstrate by some examples how one can gain new insights from
  speckle interferometry. Likewise, spectroscopy of solar fine structure
  is also making rapid progress towards high spatial resolution. Our
  two-dimensional, narrow-band spectrometer (Delta\lambda = 20-30 mAA
  ), working with a scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer, proves very
  powerful in several aspects. We present some results obtained in Na D_2
  from the quiet solar chromosphere. Using suitable observing techniques
  together with image restoration, we aim at achieving diffraction-limited
  resolution also for narrow-band spectroscopy.

Title: Speckle measurements of the centre-to-limb variation of the
    solar granulation.
Authors: Wilken, V.; de Boer, C. R.; Denker, C.; Kneer, F.
1997A&A...325..819W    Altcode:
  The Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT) at the Observatorio del Teide/Tenerife
  was used to perform speckle observations of photospheric granulation
  from disc centre to limb at λ=550+/-5nm. Images were reconstructed
  with the spectral ratio technique (von der Luehe 1984) and the
  speckle masking method (Weigelt 1977, Optics Comm. 21, 55, Weigelt
  &amp; Wirnitzer 1983, Optics Letters 8, 389, Lohmann et al. 1983,
  Applied Optics 22, 4028). The granular rms contrast relative to the
  local average intensity decreases monotonically from 13.5+/-1.0%
  at disc centre to 8-9% at cosθ=0.1. The granular images as well as
  the power spectra of the intensity fluctuations show a fading of the
  coarse granular pattern towards the limb while smaller structures
  become more pronounced off the disc centre. We identify these as the
  bright worm-like structures appearing sometimes at the granular borders
  (de Boer et al. 1992A&amp;A...257L...4D). This finding supports the
  result from simulations of granular dynamics by Steffen et al. (1994,
  Shocks in the solar photosphere and their spectroscopic signature. In:
  Schuessler M., Schmidt W. (eds.) Solar Magnetic Fields, Cambridge
  Univ. Press, p. 298). There the bright structures are locations of low
  pressure between the centres of granules and intergranular spaces with
  penetration of hot gas into the lower photosphere.

Title: Three colour photometry of solar limb faculae.
Authors: de Boer, C. R.; Stellmacher, G.; Wiehr, E.
1997A&A...324.1179D    Altcode:
  The contrasts of limb faculae at various heliocentric angles are
  observed in three continuum windows largely free of absorption
  lines. Observations with interference filters show a contrast decrease
  with wavelength which is not found when using an `UBF' to select the
  shortest continuum window. Limb faculae in speckle-reconstructed images
  yield contrasts being typically 1.2 times higher than those deduced from
  the `best images' of the corresponding bursts. The fit of the wavelength
  dependence (`colour index') to a black-body law is significantly better
  for the contrasts deduced from the reconstructed images than for the
  contrasts from the best images. The uncorrected contrasts yield a mean
  facular temperature excess of 200-300K; those from the reconstructed
  images yield about 470 K. The center-to-limb variation is found to be
  much smaller than the fluctuations between individual faculae.

Title: Emission Lines in a Quiescent Prominence Observed with the
    SUMER, VTT, a nd Gregory Telescopes
Authors: Wiehr, E.; de Boer, C. R.; Stellmacher, G.; Sutterlin, P.
1997ASPC..118..294W    Altcode: 1997fasp.conf..294W
  A number of emission lines have been observed in a quiescent prominence
  with the two German telescopes on Tenerife and with SUMER. The Gregory
  telescope monitored simultaneously the lines H_8 3889, He 3888, Ca(+\:)
  8498, the VTT simultaneously the lines H_β, He-D_3, Ca(+\:) 8542, and
  H_α slit jaw pictures on 1024 x 1024 CCDs. At the same time, SUMER
  monitored successively three combinations of EUV lines containing He
  584, He 537 in the second, and Ar, N(+) , C, C(++) , O, O(+) , O(++)
  , S(++) , S(+++) lines in the first order. Two dimensional images in
  the various EUV lines establish the anti-relation between temperature
  and Balmer brightness.

Title: Noise filtering in solar speckle masking reconstructions.
Authors: de Boer, C. R.
1996A&AS..120..195D    Altcode:
  A new method of obtaining a sensitive noise filter for solar speckle
  masking reconstructions is presented below. This filter separates the
  true image information from noise most reliably. Its efficiency is
  demonstrated by some representative examples considering observed and
  artificial image data which were generated in a computer. The latter
  set of data also suffered realistic degradations by the influence of
  seeing and noise taken from suitable observations.

Title: Untersuchung von Feinstrukturen der Sonne.
Authors: Denker, C.; de Boer, C. R.; Volkmer, R.
1996S&W....35..184D    Altcode:
  Fine structures are elements in the solar photosphere with sizes smaller
  than 1 arcsec. The observation of such structures requires exquisite
  instrumentation and reduction methods. In this article two methods are
  represented: image reconstruction by means of speckle-interferometry
  and two-dimensional spectro-polarimetry.

Title: Empirical speckle transfer function measurements from partial
    eclipse observations of the Sun.
Authors: de Boer, C. R.
1995A&AS..114..387D    Altcode:
  Empirical speckle transfer functions are derived from time series
  obtained during the partial eclipse on May 10, 1994, using the lunar
  limb as a reference structure. These functions are compared with
  theoretical transfer functions usually applied to solar data. Moreover,
  the observations are suitable for testing the spectral ratio method
  which is often used to estimate the seeing-dependent Fried parameter
  r_0_. The results indicate that the spectral ratio method overestimates
  the Fried parameter. The empirical speckle transfer functions exhibit
  a steeper decrease at spatial frequencies above the seeing-cutoff where
  speckle methods restore the usually lost image structures. This steeper
  decrease was taken into account for correcting the theoretical transfer
  functions. Applications of these new speckle transfer functions to solar
  data are presented. In comparison with previous reconstructions based
  on theoretical transfer functions, the sharpness of the reconstructed
  pictures is significantly increased. Besides, the contrast of solar
  structures can be estimated more reliably.

Title: Speckle masking imaging of the moustache phenomenon.
Authors: Denker, C.; de Boer, C. R.; Volkmer, R.; Kneer, F.
1995A&A...296..567D    Altcode:
  We present high spatial resolution observations of a sunspot near
  the solar disc centre obtained with the Vacuum Tower Telescope at the
  Observatorio del Teide (Tenerife). Our investigation aims at a better
  comprehension of umbral and penumbral fine structures. The speckle
  masking image reconstruction technique was applied to narrow-band
  filtergrams taken in the red wing of Hα. The reconstructed images
  reveal small-scale structures close to the telescopic diffraction
  limit of 0.19". Especially, the moustache phenomenon - the intensity
  enhancement in the inner wings of strong chromospheric absorbtion lines
  - is clearly discernible. The moustaches are concentrated at the outer
  border of the penumbra and in its neighbourhood. There, they appear
  at locations coinciding with the intergranular lanes. The moustaches
  are not circular in shape. Instead they show sharp intensity peaks
  surrounded by bright areas with frayed borders. Due to the high spatial
  resolution achieved in the restored filtergrams and the correction for
  the speckle transfer function, we find much higher intensities than
  in previous investigations concerning the moustache phenomenon. The
  peak intensities are sometimes larger than 1.7 times the intensity
  of the granular background, i.e. the line profiles in the inner wing
  of Hα exhibit emission features. Attempts to restore narrow-band
  filtergrams with speckle interferometry are relatively new. In this
  paper it is shown that the speckle masking technique is capable to
  reconstruct images with a low signal-to-noise ratio taken within a
  passband of 0.05nm.

Title: Speckle observations of solar granulation
Authors: de Boer, C. R.; Kneer, F.
1994IAUS..158..398D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Speckle-Interferometrie und ihre Anwendungen auf die
Authors: de Boer, C. R.
1993PhDT.......155D    Altcode:
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Speckle observations of abnormal solar granulation
Authors: de Boer, C. R.; Kneer, F.
1992A&A...264L..24D    Altcode:
  We present observations of solar granulation obtained with the Vacuum
  Tower Telescope at Observatorio del Teide, Tenerife. Speckle methods
  were applied to restore images of abnormal granulation in the vicinity
  of a sunspot near disk center. These reconstructions show nests and
  chains of bright 'points', whose diameters and spatial distances are
  close to the diffraction limit of the telescope (about 0.2 arcsec). The
  'points' are not always circular in shape but also elongated. If these
  features are identified with the footpoints of small-scale magnetic
  fluxtubes, their fast temporal evolution within one or two minutes
  and their horizontal motion with velocities up to 2 - 3 km/sec will
  influence the understanding of fluxtube dynamics.

Title: Speckle observations of solar granulation.
Authors: de Boer, C. R.; Kneer, F.; Nesis, A.
1992A&A...257L...4D    Altcode:
  We present observations of solar granulation in a plage region near
  disc center obtained with the Vacuum Tower Telescope at Observatorio
  del Teide, Tenerife. Speckle methods were employed for data acquisition
  and data reduction. The images show small-scale structures of the size
  near the telescopic diffraction limit of 0.2 arcsec. We call attention
  to bright lanes at the borders between granules and intergranular
  areas. Conceivably, they are the intensity signature of strong upflows
  at the border of granules or of shocks in supersonic convection which
  are predicted by computer simulations of the granular phenomenon.